This week, Clive Schlee, CEO of Pret a Manger said that it is part of the high street giant’s policy to hand out free coffee to friendly people. Okay, his exact words were: “[Staff] will decide ‘I like the person on the bicycle’ or ‘I like the guy in that tie’ or ‘I fancy that girl or that boy’.” That’s all well and good if you are the kind of person who gets noticed for the right things. Maybe your the guy who gets chatted up in nightclubs or the girl who constantly gets asked for her number. We all like pretty people, right? So that’s fine then. Free coffee for anyone who is super nice or a potential sexual partner. But what about the rest of us?
Here at Buongusto, we like to think a bit smarter than that. We know, that pretty people can also be ugly people on the inside, or serial killers. Additionally, in true British tradition, we are suspicious of overly friendly people. This is because we know that they often work in marketing and are as black and empty on the inside as a fresh bin liner. There’s nothing wrong with being engaging and polite, of course, but there’s a limit, especially early in the morning.
So, what’s the solution? Free hot chocolate for ugly people? Free coffee for everyone? Of course not. At Buongusto, we know that coffee drinkers are by their very nature intelligent, kind, and aromatic people. We might not be handing out free coffee (got to keep the SEO team happy), but we are making sure you’re happy. We don’t care what you look like, or how many of our staff members fancy you. What we do care about is delivering premium Italian coffee right to your front door. Whether you’re a business owner, a supermodel, or a supermodel business owner (as long as it’s one of the three), we care about you and about how much you enjoy our product and our service. We like to think we’re doing it right, and hope that you’ll agree, because doing anything else is judging a book by its cover.
The last time we did that, we read the entire Twilight series.
Why not take a look at what we can offer!
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