Coffee Beans
A coffee bean is a seed of the coffee plant. It is the pit inside the red or purple fruit often referred to as a cherry. Even though they are seeds, they are incorrectly referred to as 'beans' because of their resemblance to true beans.
Check out our range of coffee beans
Coffee Pods
Coffee pods (also called coffee pads) are pre-packaged ground coffee beans in their own filter.
Check out our range of coffee pods
Coffee Capsules
A coffee capsule differs from a coffee pod in that the coffee is packed in a plastic or aluminum package instead of a paper filter, and it is usually designed for use with a single brand or system and is therefore not interchangeable with other systems. Buongusto can provide capsules that are compatible with all major brand systems.
Check out our range of coffee capsules
Ground & Filter Coffee
Ground coffee is whole coffee beans that have been crushed to powder by friction.
Drip brewing, or filtered coffee, is a method which involves pouring water over roasted, ground coffee beans contained in a filter. Filter coffee is differentiated from ground coffee by a finer grind and the presupposition that it will be used in percolators or with filter papers primarily as opposed to in espresso machines or other serving methods.
Check out our range of ground coffee